Regular Help

Fort Nelson: Special Events Volunteer

DATES: Various special events and school holiday activities throughout the year

TRAINING: A time will be allotted once contacted by a member of the Public Engagement team

Training is mandatory for all new volunteers.

SHIFT TIMES: AM Shift (9.30am - 1.30pm), PM Shift (12:30 - 4.30pm) or ALL DAY (9.30am - 4pm)

LOCATION: Royal Armouries, Fort Nelson, Fareham, Hampshire 

This challenge requires a minimum of three full volunteering day commitments, with the ideal being regular help at several events, and attendance at a training session. 

Get involved with the following activities:

  • Welcoming visitors
  • Queue busting 
  • Helping support various craft and event activities
  • Marshalling Show spaces
  • Donation support
  • Event set-up including: decorating the site and activity/event preparation

You must be over 18 to participate in this activity. 


At the Royal Armouries we welcome many children, young people and vulnerable adults to our physical and digital sites, channels and social media platforms each year; and we engage others through physical and digital outreach, and publications, etc. As an organisation we are committed to safeguarding the young and vulnerable people who use our sites, services and facilities; and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

We have a policy and procedures in place to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults, to respond appropriately to any allegations and suspicions of abuse and to assist in the development of a culture that:

· respects the rights of children, young people and vulnerable adults as equals

· welcomes diversity and difference

· reports suspicions of abuse using the appropriate channels in accordance with government guidelines

All staff (including volunteers) will work to develop a culture in which allegations and suspicions of abuse are reported using the appropriate channels.


What's involved?

Welcoming visitors, Queue busting and Marshalling Show spaces

Offering a warm welcome and general way-finding for our visitors; helping marshall our show spaces, and you will be asked to support queueing and re-directing visitors to other activities during busy periods.

Donation support

Donation support after specific Shows and events.

Event set-up & craft activities  

You will be setting up site and decorating spaces in advance of events. Helping visitors use relevant event activites, keeping spaces tidy, ensuring activities aren't oversubscribed, encouraging donations where appropriate. 

Training will be provided as part of the training day.




Why get involved?

Why get involved?

  • Be a part of the Royal Armouries programme of special events
  • Meet the teams, make new friends and get to experience shows from a unique perspective 
  • Learn new skills and knowledge that could be applied to a future career 


How to get involved?

How to get involved?

·         Step 1) Accept the challenge 

·         Step 2) We will send you details and information about an Induction/Training day. 

·         Step 3) Enjoy your experience and log your hours.

·         Step 4) Leave feedback with us so we can improve future volunteering opportunities. 

·         If you haven't volunteered on site with us before we will ask you to bring along some photo ID - such as a passport, and details of an emergency contact - and the contact details of one reference 

·         Volunteers must be over 18 for this challenge 

Ideal Skills

  • Customer Service
  • Event Management
  • Event Stewarding
  • Working with Young People
  • Crafts

Ideal Interests

  • Community Work
  • Event & Project Management
  • Events and Programming
  • Visitor Service/ Front of House
  • Local history
  • Family activities

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